How to Make Tissue Paper Flowers

We make tissue paper flowers on a regular basis in our household, and I’ve blogged about them before here and here. We have even been known to make spontaneous deliveries of these to our local assisted living center! During the Fall and Winter months, they can be a nice reminder of warmer weather, and they always look so bright and cheerful! I thought I would share our tissue paper flower making technique with you. It’s very easy!

How to Make Tissue Paper Flowers

Here is a very short video tutorial with step by step instructions on how to make tissue paper flowers. Below it you will see photos outlining each step too.

First, cut 3 sheets of tissue paper about 5 x 7 ” or so (you can just eyeball it). Begin folding the shorter end accordion style with folds about every 1/2 inch.
How to Make Tissue Paper Flowers
Gather the center of the flower by wrapping a pipe cleaner around it as shown.
How to Make Tissue Paper Flowers
Now, snip the ends of the tissue paper to make points. This will give the petals a nice shape.
How to Make Tissue Paper Flowers
Carefully separate the layers of tissue paper….
How to Make Tissue Paper Flowers
And enjoy your beautiful flower! We’ve sprayed ours with a little perfume to make them smell nice too.
How to Make Tissue Paper Flowers
So bright and cheerful, and very frugal!


  1. Val in the Rose Garden says

    My friend Sarah just made about a hundred of these for her daughters spanish birthday party… they were EVERYWHERE and it looked like so much work. If I had only seen this first. 😉 lol… Beautiful! These will be on our to do list soon as we need a little 'sunshine' in our house again.


  2. these would be great for day of the dead/all souls day! you'd have to do them all in shades of oranges and yellows!

  3. I'm so glad you posted this. I have wanted to make these for a while and I always forget about it. Thanks.

  4. Thank you for showing this! I've tried making these once before using directions from a magazine & it did not work!

  5. You know, I once made 250 of these as props for a play when I was in high school…

  6. Karen- The Graphics Fairy says

    These are great! I love the color combinations that you used!

  7. Infant Bibliophile says

    Thank you for sharing your secret; those are so cute. I guess I need to buy some tissue paper. I was wondering if you've ever tried the same method with fabric. That I have plenty of. 🙂

  8. Beautiful idea! I just sent this link to my sister to see if she would be interested in making these as table toppers for her wedding next year!!

    Thanks for sharing!!

  9. The Activity Mom says

    Thanks for the tutorial! It's been forever since I've made one of those and I forgot how fun that is. What a neat idea for an inexpensive decoration for a ton of occasions!

  10. Whimsical Creations says

    So fun! My sister had them at her bridal shower.

  11. Night Owl Mama says

    I remember making these for a girlscout float back when I was 13 SO fun I'll have to let my daughter make some too

  12. @ Val in the Rose Garden — That sounds like such a lovely party! We've made these several time for Cinco de Mayo, and it's always a hit with the kiddos. So much fun!

    @ danita — Oh, I love that idea!! Orange is Emily's favorite colors, so I know she would be all for it. 🙂

  13. @maryanne — Wow! That's a LOT of tissue paper flowers!!!

    @ Infant Bibliophile — I've never tried making these with fabric, but what a great idea! If you make some, I'd love to see how they turn out.

  14. Thanks for the post! I bought so MUCH tissue paper on clearance beatiful bright colors, now I have something to do with it YAY!

  15. these are wonderful. I have a ton of bright colored tissues. I should try to make these.

  16. Those really pretty. I don't think I've seen them with the edges snipped off like that and that makes it even more beautiful. That's such a good idea to take them to give to someone. Now you have my brain working on who I can make some for to giveaway.

  17. Petit Elefant says

    Those are awesome!

  18. Stephanie Griffith says

    We used to make those when I was a kid and I'd totally forgotten about them! Thanks for the reminder!

  19. We made some of these immediately after I read your blog! They are so pretty 🙂 We are giving them to our Grandma who needs a little cheering up:) She will love them! Thanks so much!

    ~ amanda

  20. tali buchler says

    i used to make tissue flowers this way when i was young. i have forgotten all about it. thank you for the remind. i will have to show this to my girls tomorrow.


    love your blog

  21. Moment to Moment says

    another great idea, and so easy,
    so happy to have come across your blog, looking forward to explore more!!