Being kind to your family does not have to cost a lot of money or take up large amounts of time. A simple gesture of kindness can be an effective way to connect with each other, even during hectic times. Below you will find a list of 10 simple ways to be kind to your family. Be sure to grab your copy of the free printable mini poster that can be displayed in your home too!
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Write each other positive notes. Try making these “complimentary” placemats together to add a bit of positivity to meal time.
Eat a meal together each day. Take time to put away all electronic devices and connect with each other.
Call or visit relatives. Reaching out to a faraway family member is an easy way to make someone smile.
Get Your Free Printable
Get the list above formatted as a beautiful printable mini poster. You can download the free .pdf file. Print it and display the mini poster in your home as a reminder of these simple ways to be kind to your family.
Question: Do you have a simple way to be kind to your family that is not listed here? We would love to hear from you. Leave a comment and share your ideas with us!