Ideas for Playing in the Snow

These ideas for playing in the snow are sure to delight kids of all ages! For those of you who are still getting snow, here are some of our favorite ways to take advantage of the last of the snow days and make some FUN memories with the kids this Winter.

1. Snow Bakery

This was a huge hit with my kids, and it kept them happily entertained for a long time! A few plastic bowls, muffin tins, and a wooden spoon is all you need to create  your own pretend snow bakery. We love this sand cupcake set from Melissa and Doug! An empty spice container filled with bird seed “sprinkles” helped keep our feathered friends happy too.

My kids loved molding the snow into tiered cakes, and thought they looked just like wedding cakes! They quickly discovered that the snow held more bird seed when the bird seed was placed into the bottom of the mold, then the snow packed on top, before flipping it over. So much fun!!

2. Use Sand Toys in the Snow

Another fun tip for snow play is to get out the sand toys! Sand toys aren’t just for the beach. They can be used in a sandbox, of course, and they also work beautifully in the snow! This is a fun and easy way for kids to make snow sculptures.

3. Paint the Snow

Fill an empty spray bottle with some water and a few drops of food coloring, and invite the kids to paint the snow. They may even want to paint their previous sculptures, paint pictures, or write their names in the snow!

4. Snow Fling!!

If you love the fun of a good snowball fight, these snow flings are fantastic! For grown ups, you don’t have to bend over to make the snowball, so it saves your back. And the little ones can throw snowballs quite far with the help of the snow fling — all without getting their hands cold or wet! I wish we had discovered these sooner. They are so much fun!

5. Bring the Snow Indoors

Another one of our favorite ways to enjoy the snow is to bring a bin of it indoors. I usually bring out some empty cups, spoons, and an ice cream scoop, then invite the kids over to play ice cream shop!

Here are even more ideas for playing in snow, or on snow days:

Have fun!!