10 Cheap Boredom Busters for Kids

Looking for a few easy ways to keep the kids from getting too bored? Here are some of our favorite boredom busters that are quick, easy, cheap, and fun!!

1. Beading with cut up straws — easy, frugal, and a great way to build up important fine-motor skills.


2. Make photo puppets and put on a show!


3. Decorate a cardboard box with an angry face and pretend to have it EAT things. Nom nom nom!!


4. Start a stamp collection.


5. Take up a new hobby… like sewing!


6. Become a flying ace in your own cardboard plane.


7. Paint clouds with an old shower poof.


8. Create a butterfly garden with sidewalk chalk!


9. Cook up a fresh batch of mud pies.


10. Host a family award ceremony… in your pajamas! “And the Daddy of the Year Award goes to…….”

Have fun!!