Rainy Day Activity – Paper Pizza Parlor

This rainy day activity for kids is simple and easy to set up. This paper pizza parlor is the perfect way to indulge your stuffed animal friends to a special treat! The kids can help prepare the ingredients while developing early scissor skills. This rainy day activity is sure to foster lots of imaginative playtime fun. With just a few common household items, you can create an engaging and memorable day of play!

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Here is how to create a paper pizza parlor of your own:

For this easy rainy day activity, you will need:

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To prepare the paper pizza crusts, use scissors to cut the top 3-4 inches off a brown paper lunch bag. Next, open the bag, and roll down the sides of the bag until you have a flat paper pizza crust.

To prepare the paper toppings, cut long strips of yellow, green, and pink construction paper. Next, invite your child to use safety scissors to cut the strips into squares. For example, we used yellow construction paper as pineapple, pink construction paper as ham, and green construction paper as peppers.

Lastly, it’s time to create some personalized paper pizzas! Invite your child to choose a paper bag pizza crust and place it on a paper plate. Next, spoon a bit of washable red paint as sauce, and begin adding toppings for a special pizza creation!

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