Puppet Crafts and Activities

Puppet crafts and activities are a great way to foster creativity for kids (or the kid-in-you). Many types of puppets can be made using common household items. Once the kids are finished creating their puppets, invite them to put on a show of their own. Later, you can watch movies with puppets streaming on Netflix. Below you will find some of our favorite family-friendly flicks. A big thank you to our friends at Netflix for sponsoring today’s creative play post!

Here are ten of our favorite puppet crafts and activities to inspire lots of imaginative playtime fun:

1. Make sock puppets with socks, felt, fabric glue, pom poms, pipe cleaners, and wiggle eyes.

2. Read a Jim Henson biography. We love the book “Who Was Jim Henson?“, especially for ages 8-12.

3. Draw your own storyboard and write a script!

4. Watch movies together that feature puppets streaming on Netflix. Some of our favorites include:

5. Build a shadow puppet theater and EASY shadow puppets to go along with it.

6. Craft up a marionette puppet from cardboard tubes, paint stirrer sticks, yarn, and card stock paper.

7. Make a caterpillar puppet with construction paper, pom poms, wiggle eyes, and craft sticks.

8. Use googly eye finger puppets like these to make a super simple puppet show.

9. Craft some silly stick puppets.

10. Build a doorway puppet theater!

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Netflix and I am part of the Netflix StreamTeam. Contains affiliate links. All opinions are my own. Thanks for supporting us!