Kids Books to Celebrate Individuality

Kids books that celebrate individuality can help teach us that it is okay to be different! If you are looking for books to encourage kids to think for themselves, or stories that foster acceptance of others who may be unique, these are some of our favorites. It takes a lot of courage to stand out in a crowd, but as many of these books show, our new creative ideas can have the power change the world.

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These books that celebrate individuality can spark many discussions such as:

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Here are some of our favorite kids books to celebrate individuality:

Mr. Tiger Goes Wild (ages 3-6)  Buy it from Let’s Play Books

Mr. Tiger lives in a prim and proper world, but he becomes bored and wants to do something different. He goes off to live in the wilderness and goes wild! After awhile, Mr. Tiger is lonely and misses his friends. He decides to go back to his prim and proper town, but will his friends be accepting of his uniqueness? My kids enjoyed Mr. Tiger’s transformation and a few fantastic spreads of detailed illustrations left room for us to discuss ways in which it is okay to be different. Wonderful book!

What Do You Do With an Idea? (ages 3 and up)

This book shares that having a creative idea may feel odd and awkward at first. Others may disregard or discourage our new ideas. However, with proper care and confidence, our ideas can have the power to change the world. This story is beautifully illustrated with subtle details throughout. A motivational read for the entire family!

Peanut Butter & Brains (ages 4-8)

This a new release and became an instant favorite in our home! Reginald is not like the other zombies. He is not interested in eating brains, but instead craves a tasty peanut butter and jelly sandwich! Through a series of struggles to obtain a pb&j to show the other zombies how delicious they can be, Reginald becomes a hero in his town. This book is adorable and teaches kids the importance of thinking for themselves. After reading Peanut Butter & Brains, we did several book-inspired activities together by making triple decker pb&j sandwiches and dressing up as zombies. No brains for dinner, though. We moved on…. to pizza!

Rufus the Writer (ages 4-8)

While the other kids are working lemonade stands or enjoying vacations during the Summer months, Rupert has a unique idea to start a story stand instead. He gathers some paper, pencils, and coloring materials. He sets out a small table and a chair outside, and it isn’t long before his friends come by and ask him to play. Rufus, however, remains dedicated to his creativity and stays behind to write stories. Throughout the book, we see Rufus’ illustrated stories which he later trades for gifts his friends bring him at the end. I love how this book celebrates creativity and the writing process!


Stephanie’s Ponytail (ages 4-7)

Young Stephanie wears her hair in a ponytail to school one day, and the class declares it “ugly, ugly, very ugly”, but the following day her classmates show up with ponytails too. Appalled by these copycats, she asks her mother to do her ponytail on the side of her head. Again, she is called ugly, but the next day her classmates sport the same ‘do. The hairstyles become more and more outrageous, but follow the same pattern of being called ugly at first, then copying the same style. Stephanie has the last laugh when she declares that the next day she is going to shave her head. Only she doesn’t, but her teacher and classmates do! This book is fantastic for discussing concepts like how feelings can be hurt, bullying, copycatting, honesty, and the difference between trendsetters and followers.

Spaghetti in A Hot Dog Bun (ages 4-7)

A terrific book to teach kids the importance of accepting people who are different and treating others with respect no matter what. Despite being bullied by Ralph for being unique, Lucy remains true to herself and demonstrates the power of kindness and that kids don’t need to bully back to win. Being the best person you can be despite others who may treat you poorly can be a difficult concept for kids (and even some adults) to understand. This doesn’t mean discouraging kids from standing up for themselves, but rather to use the best parts of themselves along with assertive kindness to diminish a bully’s power.

Giraffes Can’t Dance (ages 4-8)

Gerald the giraffe wants to join in the Jungle Dance, but the other animals make fun of him for being so clumsy. His cricket friend points out that maybe Gerald needs to listen carefully and find a different song. I love how this story teaches kids that there may be more than one right way to do something, to not give up, and that it is okay to be different! Eventually, the other animals come to watch him dance and applaud, which could be used to discuss how “friends” can sometimes be fickle when it comes to fitting in.

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