Toys You Can Make from Recyclables

It is no secret that we love to craft with recyclables — we consider them to be FREE art supplies! Making your own toys from recyclables is a great way to reinforce the concept of conservation, and introduce the kiddos to early eco-friendly habits. Here are some EASY projects to get you started!

If you can wrap a present, you can make these lightweight blocks. Be sure to cover them with clear packaging tape, and they will last for a long time! Try other versions with larger cereal boxes too. These were a big hit with Clara!!

Both of my kiddos had a great time with rhythm sticks, musical instruments, and even an entire homemade rhythm set — all of which were made from recyclables!

This sweet lil’ mushroom house is one of Emily’s favorites, and it was super-simple to make from an empty oatmeal canister. It has provided lots of imaginative play time fun!

Have fun!!