These Math activities for Spring are a great way to foster creative learning fun! When I think of Spring, the first things that pop into my head are flowers, butterflies and bugs! Today, I’ve got a little Spring-time fun that brings together flowers, butterflies and bugs and MATH, not mention a little art too!
To start I sorted through some shaped foam stickers: circles, ovals, teardrops, and hearts. Next, I wrote numbers on each of the shapes from 1-10. Once your stickers have been prepared let the kids build their number pictures.
For younger kids: Simply have them build flowers and caterpillars in numerical order…
To make the butterflies, I had my youngest, nearly five, match number pairs. He also had the opportunity to practice his numeral writing skills as well…
For older children (my daughter is seven): Have your child pick out shapes to build a flower, caterpillar or butterfly. Once their “Spring thing” is complete have them turn the numbers into a number sentence and add them up…
After they’ve solved their number sentences then their pictures can be decorated!
Both of my children loved this activity! They enjoyed the math concepts and learning, while at the same time making a beautiful piece of Spring artwork. Not to mention that they were pretty proud of their math skills!
Want to do more? Why not take it outdoors next…
Make a simple chart and head outside to count up the new Spring blooms that you see! I added colored stickers to the top of our chart so that the kids could keep track of which colors they saw as well.
Keep a tally of all of your blooms and when you are finished finding, count them all up!
The kids got a kick out of keeping track of all of the flowers, finding Spring and counting at the same time.
So, why not celebrated Spring and Math all in one fun project!
Happy Spring!
For more Spring activities to do with the kids, check out our Ways to Play Spring 2015 Printable Calendar . It’s full of fun and festive kid-friendly activities for March, April, and May!
Have fun!!