Quick Thanksgiving Craft for Kids

Looking for an easy and quick Thanksgiving craft for kids? This build-a-turkey play set is simple to make, and the kids can build and re-build their festive turkeys over and over again! To make your own, you will need craft foam, a bit of water, and surface onto which to build your turkey (a window, or better yet a bathtub wall would work very well for this)!

Cut the craft foam sheets into pieces as shown. You will need a turkey body, beak, wattle, eyes, and several colorful feathers! Add a bit of water to a small bowl.

 Invite your child over to dip the craft foam pieces into the water, just enough to wet the surface.

 …and they can build their turkeys however they would like! Clara enjoyed arranging the feathers all around, and then re-arranging the turkey’s eyes to be looking in all sorts of silly positions. She especially loved building more than one turkey at a time and telling stories about them!

 Of course, I couldn’t resist building a silly turkey of my own… Gobble, gobble!!

Quick, easy, festive, and very frugal! Have fun!!

With the Thanksgiving holiday quickly approaching, here are some ideas to keep the kids entertained while waiting for turkey. Wishing you and your family a wonderful fun-filled holiday!

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