Pretend Cake Tutorial

It’s amazing how much learning actually takes place during pretend play. The first time I discovered that my son could add and subtract efficiently, without prior lessons and without prompting, was while playing grocery store. I was astonished as he added up my total! Thanks to several rainy days, we’ve recently had a great deal of time to devote to indoor pretend play and we’ve rediscovered grocery store fun. And thanks to this video from Inner Child Fun, we have lots of gorgeous new cakes to add to our collection! 

Pretend Cake Tutorial- This simple, no-sew craft is great for rainy days, or any time you'd like to enhance pretend play!!

This simple, no-sew craft is perfect for rainy days! Your kids will enjoy decorating each slice and then playing with their creations. Watch the video below to see just how easy it really is! 


Having trouble viewing this video? You can also watch it on YouTube

Would you like a few more simple pretend play sweets to add to your collection? Visit this pretend sweets post for a few more ideas! 

Be sure to subscribe to the Inner Child Fun YouTube Channel for even more inspiring play ideas and crafts!