Decorating Easter Eggs with Kids

Looking for ways to decorate Easter eggs with the kids that are quick and easy to do with beautiful results? Here are some tips and tricks to try the next time you decorate eggs.

Decorating Easter Eggs with Kids

1. Plan Ahead for the Mess

Most egg dyes will stain, so wear aprons or old clothing you wouldn’t mind getting stained. You may want to cover the floor with an old shower curtain liner, just in case.

2. Hard Boil Eggs

Before dying eggs, it’s important that the eggs are hard boiled first. If the eggs are too fresh, they will be hard to peel, so try buying eggs about 5 days prior to boiling them. Click here for more tips on how to hard boil eggs.

3. Experiment with Techniques

Some of the prettiest designs can be made by not being afraid to experiment a bit. Some ideas include:

Decorating Easter Eggs with Kids

4. Use Whisks

To get a good “grip” on your egg, place it inside a wire whisk. No need to worry about the egg rolling off of a spoon!

5. Try Decorating Virtual Eggs

For a no-mess version of egg decorating, you can decorate a virtual Easter egg with your child on the FREE PAAS/Heinz Egg Decorator App for iPad, or by clicking here to visit their website. I was especially happy about this option when I found out that now through March 31, when you decorate and share a virtual Easter egg with family and friends using the free app, Heinz and PAAS will donate $1, up to $25,000, to Make-A-Wish®. A real win-win!!

6. Save the Containers

Save those empty egg cartons for plenty of frugal and kid-friendly crafts! For project ideas, click here.

Have fun!!