Sunshine Crafts and Activities for Kids

Here are some of our favorite crafts and activities for kids that celebrate sunshine — no matter what weather you happen to be experiencing at the moment. Besides, sometimes it’s more fun to make your own sunshine!

Sunny Indoor Beach — If the weather is not cooperating, why not make your own sunny beach indoors? Be sure to wear your bathing suit, play lots of tropical music, read some magazines, and eat a few ice pops.


Make a Rainbow — If you’re lucky enough to have some sunny weather, teach the kiddos how to make their own rainbows using a hose for a quick science lesson in your own backyard.


Sun Ornaments — Get crafty and paint some sun ornaments that are sure to brighten up even the dreariest of days.


Pretend Play Weather Station — I cannot tell you how much Emily LOVED this pretend play weather station!! She wrote her own forecasts, and even told her “viewers” what to wear.


Solar Powered Lunch — Make the most of a hot Summer day with a DIY solar-powered oven and then cook up some lunch inside. Don’t forget to brew some sun tea to go along with it!

You can find more ideas for Summer Fun with the Kids here.

Have fun!!