Crafting with Recyclables – Design a Robot Kit

In honor of Earth Day, I thought we would do another fun craft with recyclables — a kit to design your own robot! Of course, we craft with recyclables year round, since it’s better for the environment, plus I consider them to be free art supplies. Emily has been on a robot kick lately, as seen here, so this craft was a big hit at our house!

To make the robot, I used an empty potato chip bag, washed it thoroughly and allowed it to dry completely. Then, I turned the bag inside out, and cut several shapes for the front and back of the head, body, arms, and legs. I ran each piece through my sewing machine with a zig-zag stitch around the outline, and trimmed them with pinking shears.

My original idea was to attach magnets to the backs of each piece and let Emily have a go at designing her own robot on the refrigerator. However, Emily preferred to have all the pieces sewn together, and instead decorated her robot with gem stickers (to look like lights!).
I wasn’t sure whether or not the stickers would work on the mylar surface, but they stuck just fine! She added lots of “lights” to her robot!
Then… play!!!
I never knew a robot could be such a cuddly friend!
I think a smaller version of these robots would make fantastic gift tags for a special birthday gift! Happy Earth Day!!
For more craft ideas featuring recyclables, check out our Recycling Craft Round Up!