400th Post — Fall Leaf Coasters

We made these beautiful Fall leaf coasters this afternoon, but first I wanted to tell you about this cute jumper I finished for Emily this morning.

I started this dress late last night, and was almost finished with it, but my machine started to act up, (or maybe I was just getting too tired, but I like to blame it on the machine) so I called it a night. This morning I asked Emily to pick out the button for the back closure from the collection of vintage buttons I had inherited from my grandmother. I love that she treasures these buttons almost as much as I do!
I think she made an excellent choice, don’t you?
Now, about the coasters, they are made from foam sheets, colored duct tape, pressed leaves, and some clear contact paper. First, I cut the foam sheets into 4 1/2 ” squares. Then, I invited Emily to arrange the pressed leaves how she would like them to appear on the coaster. We had collected so many pretty leaves to chose from!
Next, she covered the leaves and foam sheet with clear contact paper, and pressed out any air bubbles.
She trimmed any excess contact paper.
I helped line up the colored duct tape….
…and she wrapped it around the back.
We gave them a test run…
… perfect! These look so festive on our kitchen table, and I think they would make great hostess gifts too.
Also, the winners of our fun fabric crayon wallet giveaway are Ivy from Into the Wind and Mom2Triplets04 from Creative Triplet Mom! Congratulations and thanks to everyone who entered. There’s still time to get your entry in for the Arm & Hammer Stain Fighting Kit courtesy of www.GreatCleaners.com!