Mint-TEA Fresh

If you’ve been reading this blog for awhile, you probably know about my profound love for tea. (I’ve mentioned it here, here, and oh yes, here…)

Today, Emily and I made our own organic mint tea! It was so easy and lots of fun to make!
First, we gathered lots and lots of mint from the side yard of our house.
Next, we separated the leaves from the stems. Only the best leaves were chosen by my discriminating tea maker.

I chopped most of the mint using a cutting board and a knife, but Emily wanted to help too. She cut some mint using scissors!

I made some tea bags using very sheer fabric and the serger. Just a long rectangle 2″ x 6″ folded in half with one seam on each side to form a pocket. Emily helped stuff the tea bags. We made sure they were really stuffed full!!

I used the serger to make the last seam across the top of the bag, and left a little space with just thread, and then attached a small tag. “M” is for “Mint”, of course!

The taste test had great results!!

Mmmmm…. so tasty and minty fresh! A set of these would be a perfect gift for any tea-drinker!