Important Info and Frugal Fun with Cardboard

First, some important announcements:

  1. I won’t keep you waiting any longer! Click here to register and for more information on our Sewing in Baby Steps online workshop — it’s FREE. I’m so excited about this, and it’s going to be so much fun!
  2. I’m scheduled to appear on tomorrow’s 10! Show on NBC for a segment about Nature Crafts for Kids. If you are in the Philadelphia area, and would like free tickets to tomorrow’s show, click here. I would love to meet you!
Emily and Clara spent the better part of this afternoon taking a train to China. I tried to explain to Emily that a train to China isn’t exactly practical given that we live in the states, but that didn’t seem to deter her in any way. We had several empty diaper boxes, an oatmeal canister, and other cereal boxes from our invention kit that we transformed into the Teddy Bear Express. It took up almost the entire living room!

Clara loved joining in the fun!
Some of the passengers grew so weary, they fell asleep! Others were happy to wave at passers by.
“This is my stop! Hello, China!!”
The girls took many trips back and forth, and Emily even practiced saying a few phrases in Mandarin to her imaginary Chinese friends! Such worldly travelers!!