Finger Painting Fun in the Sun, Sun, Sun

Just a quick reminder, today is the last day to sign up for our free online sewing workshop Sewing in Baby Steps.
Today, we celebrated one of the last few days of Summer by finger painting Sun pictures!
This was a particularly messy project, but a really fun one that both my girls really enjoyed! Since we had such beautiful weather here today, it was perfect for a messy outdoor art project. Both girls wore old T-shirts inside-out, but if that isn’t an option, be sure to check out How to Make an Art Smock from a Garbage Bag.

Emily dipped her hand in yellow finger paint and overlapped her hand prints on a sheet of freezer paper to make the sun. Freezer paper is ideal for finger painting, but we have also used sheets of paper cut up from brown paper grocery bags with great success.

Next, she used her index finger to make rays of sunshine. She enjoyed adding bits of red to mix with the yellow to make orange. Extra bonus points for singing “The Sun Has Got His Hat On” while doing this project.
Clara had a lot of fun with this as well. Emily helped get her started, and then…..

…she took off finger painting on her own! Lots of squeals and giggling!
Then both girls decided to paint together…

So much fun!!