Garden Stones

At this point, our garden could use all the hope, prayers, and well-wishes it can get, so we spent this afternoon making some garden stones using quick dry cement (very inexpensive, and we had some leftover mix in the garage), empty cereal boxes, sea shells, and some glass gems from the dollar store.

I had initially planned on doing this activity outside, but it started to rain. However, this project wasn’t nearly as messy as I thought! I pre-loaded the box with the cement, and then Emily took over from there.
Cut the front off of the cereal box. Mix up the dry cement and load it into the box. Level the cement with a ruler. Emily loved making a hand print in the cement.

We decorated our garden stones with the glass gems and seashells.

Once the cement is dry, rip off the cereal box to reveal your beautiful garden stone. I’m hoping ours brings some good luck to our garden!