Goal Setting with a Vision Board

During the summer months, I reflect on our family goals and do some financial planning. I often use a vision board for brainstorming ideas and goal setting. Creating a vision board does not have to be a long or complicated process! A vision board can be as simple as a piece of poster board that contains a collage of images that inspire. This year my vision board has a lot to do with family travel and planning our budget to save for more trips together in the years ahead. This will involve putting off those instant gratification purchases while we save and plan. Are you familiar with the Marshmallow Experiment? I’ll be waiting for my second marshmallow. Having a vision board on display helps me to stay on task and keep the end goal in mind!

When I was a kid, my family was fortunate to enjoy lots of trips together, both nationally and internationally. One summer, my dad took off several weeks from work and together with my mom they planned an epic road trip adventure across the country. This time together had a lasting impact on me. We packed the mini-van until it was practically overflowing, loaded a cooler in the back with sandwiches and snacks, and began the drive from New Jersey to Montana stopping several places along the way to see the sights. Together, we rode horses in Glacier National Park, went whitewater rafting down the Colorado River, witnessed Old Faithful in Yellowstone, and so much more.


Looking back now, there were several family trips like this that helped to shape who I am today. During long road trips, I learned how to get along with my younger brother and turn our waiting times into games to pass the time. I learned to be considerate of others when staying at hotels or campgrounds and not to make too much noise. I learned how to improvise travel plans when things don’t quite go according to plan, to look on the bright side, and to always have a plan B. Seeing great national landmarks like Mount Rushmore and the Hoover Dam taught me that with creativity, good leadership, and perseverance anything is possible.

In the months ahead, I will be sharing more about my journey to save for long term goals and about tips I learn along the way. I hope you will join me! What Inspires You? Share how you were inspired to be who you are today, and join the growing community of @PrudentialBYC #WomenInspired