Homeschooling with Toddlers – Montessori Trays

These Montessori trays can cover any subject you would like.  They are the most versatile and also the least expensive Montessori idea to set up, as you often have these things laying around your house. 

Homeschooling with Toddlers - Montessori Trays

Homeschooling with a toddler in tow can be the biggest homeschooling challenge we face day to day.  Trying to find things for kids too young for school but far too awake to be quiet (or if they are, it is cause for alarm and not peace) is a huge challenge.  In this series we are continuing to explore ideas inspired by Maria Montessori in her early education classrooms for keeping our youngest kids out of trouble and teaching them a few things too.  Adding these things to your homeschool classroom may just be the answer to buying you a few minutes with your busy toddler.

 Montessori Tray

 The picture above is my 2 year old (now 7!) using bamboo sugar cube tongs to move cotton balls from one saucer to the other and his joy at his success!

Homeschooling with Toddlers - Montessori Trays

The possibilities are absolutely endless and each tray is guaranteed to give you at least 7 minutes of time where your toddler doesn’t need something.  Just in searching for these images on my hard drive I found around 50 different ideas of what to put on a Montessori tray… but before I share those, let me show you where I put the tray:

Homeschooling with Toddlers - Montessori Trays

 On the lowest of one of my shelves I have special spot dedicated to the toddler/preschooler in the house.  It has reading books, special toys, and the Montessori tray on it.  This tray changes all the time… sometimes drastically (like adding in pattern beading instead of transferring) sometimes very slightly (like today they get to work with popcorn instead of dried black beans) but if it changes at all, they will be interested. 

Always trust your guy when choosing items and stick to food items if your child has a habit of putting things in their mouth.

Transferring – Dexterity and coordination.   

 Art – Cutting, gluing, and coloring


 Very cute to send to grandma for Valentines day!

 Matching and patterning – Fantastic for letter recognition later on!

Put keys or coins or buttons in your copier and then add that page, along with the items, on to the tray so the child can match

Fine Motor Skills – Developing those writing muscles


I hope these inexpensive and helpful ideas can buy you some time during your school day where your toddler is occupied!  Best of luck!