Halloween Activity: Play Dough Spiders

This Halloween activity for kids is quick and easy to set up using whatever leftover craft materials you happen to have on-hand! These play dough spiders would be a great activity for a Halloween party, or even just a bit of festive fun on a rainy day.

 To make your own invitation to create play dough spiders, you will need:

Add the materials and play dough to the divided tray, and provide a cutting board or other work surface. Then, invite your child to create some play dough spiders of her own! Clara was particularly fond of adding MANY wiggle eyes to each spider, and she loved making the spider legs with extra long pipe cleaners! This kept her happily entertained for a good long while.

If the kids are old enough, they may enjoy the process of making homemade play dough together too. My kids love helping to measure and knead the dough once it has cooled enough. Great memories have been made with homemade play dough!

Homemade Play Dough Recipe:

Combine water, salt, cream of tartar, and food coloring in a medium saucepan. Cook on low heat while stirring, and add the oil. Next, slowly add in the flour a little at a time. Keep stirring until it starts to pull away from the pan, then transfer to a cutting board to cool. As soon as it is cool enough to touch, begin kneading the dough. It will become a lovely dough consistency. This is one of our favorite play dough recipes and we have used it over and over for years! Once cooled, the dough can be stored in zip topped bags for about a week.

Not a bad way to spend a rainy day!

Have fun!!

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