Creating an Ocean Sensory Table

Sensory tables are incredibly popular with preschoolers.  They bring a tactile experience to a lesson that is often remembered long after the book smarts have made their way in one ear and out the other.  Creating an Ocean Sensory Table is easy and inexpensive to do at home. Here is how we created an Ocean Sensory Table for my 3 year old. 

Creating an Ocean Sensory Table

Supplies Needed

  1. A large “under the bed” storage bin.  We chose this one because it fit perfectly on an old piano bench in the school room and it had a lid that closed.  I have seen sensory bins made out of IKEA Trofast bins and then, of course, the commercial sensory bins found at Montessori school supply stores.
  2. Things from the ocean such as shells, pretty rocks, and small plastic ocean critters
  3. Waterbeads – These can be found in the floral section of your local craft store.  I chose mostly blue and clear, with some green thrown in there for variety.

    While water beads are non-toxic and environmentally safe, make sure that your children know not to eat them!  If your child is at an age where they are exploring with their mouth, consider other activities and introduce water beads later on.

Creating an Ocean Sensory Table