DIY Felt Easter Basket…

It’s nearly time for Peter Cottontail to come hopping down the bunny trail and begin delivering those Easter eggs! 

‘Tis also the season for Egg hunts and egg dying and Easter goodies! 

Of course with all of those goodies you must have an Easter basket too! 

Typically, I’m pretty traditional when it comes to Easter baskets and simply pull out of of the several baskets I have floating around for the kids to use on their egg hunts and then for the Easter bunny to stuff full of goodies on Easter morning.  But this year I decided to try something a little different. 

Something a bit more colorful and a little less clunky… DIY felt easter baskets

These felt baskets are quick and easy to make and add a bit of Spring time fun to your egg gathering.

Supplies:  felt (3- 9″x12″ pieces), embroidery floss, felt flowers and bows, webbing/strapping/ribbon, sewing notions, hot glue

To make: Lay to pieces of felt ( 9″ x 12″) on top of each other and sew along the short sides (9″) with a 1/4″ seam allowance. Sew here diagram

Next, flip your felt “tube” so that the seam allowances are inside.  Cut a 29″ piece of webbing or strapping or ribbon (at least 1″ wide).  Center the webbing over the seam on one side, align the end of the webbing with the bottom of the felt.  Sew up the center of the webbing from the bottom toward the top.  Stop at the top, back stitch a few times to lock stitches in place.  Align the other edge of your webbing with the opposite seam and, beginning at the bottom again sew up toward the top.  Be sure that the handle is not twisted before attaching along the other seam.

  Handle Collage

Once your straps are sewn in place flip your tube inside out once again.  Cut out a 7.5″ diameter circle out of your third piece of felt for the bottom of the basket.  Pin the circle of felt to the bottom of your tube, the side where the strap ends are (pin with right sides together).  Sew the bottom on with 1/4″ seam allowance.  Flip right side out again. 

Carefully cut along the top to make a “grassy” look.  Center your felt flower and bow onto your basket and glue in place.  I found my flowers and bows in the gift wrap section, but you can also easily make your own.  Try this felt bow or this no sew one and this felt flower or this no sew version.  Once your flowers are in place, use a stem stitch to stitch to sew your flower stem and you are done!

Now you’ve got a sweet, springy Easter basket all ready to fill up with Easter goodies…

Now, what to put inside?  Here are some great ideas!

Happy Easter!  Enjoy!