Birthday Breakfast – The Healthy German Pancake

My family is just like any other family on a budget.  We get into a breakfast rut.  Oatmeal, eggs, toast, repeat.  But every year, on my children’s birthdays, they wake up to a special breakfast.  A breakfast JUST for them.  And it includes whipping cream.

When I was little, my mom started this tradition of making us a German Pancake on our birthdays.  I don’t remember one birthday living in her house that I didn’t have one.  So many pictures of my brothers standing over theirs with a fork in one hand and a knife in the other like they were about to dig into a juicy steak, usually with a crazy look on their face.  After 18 years of being a mom, I now have a whole collection of these pictures myself as birthday after birthday I make this wonderful breakfast for my own children.  (Although, my children kindly refrain from the crazy faces my brothers use to throw the camera.)

 As our nutritional priorities have solidified into a healthier lifestyle, so has my recipe for the German Pancake.  I have even contrived to have the pancake be low on the glycemic index by using coconut sugar instead of regular table sugar and spelt or whole wheat flour in place of all purpose.  It hasn’t changed the flavor of the pancake much to substitute these healthier ingredients at all.  In fact, if anything it makes a more rich, tasty pancake if you ask me!

 The only leavening agent used is eggs.  That is what gives this pancake it’s ‘lift’.  These ones are farm fresh eggs from my backyard flock.  I adore my hens and the fact that they give me the most nutritious eggs in the world is just a bonus to the wonderful pets they are.

Healthy German Pancake

1/2 cup whole milk

1/2 cup spelt flour (whole wheat works fine)

1/4 cup coconut sugar (or evap. cane juice)

2 large eggs (room temperature work best)

In a cast iron skillet (8 – 10 inches) place 4 Tbs of grass-fed butter (regular works fine) and place the pan in a 425* oven.  (This recipe can be doubled and put into a 9X13 glass baking dish for an even bigger group of people if so desired.)

Mix all other ingredients in a large bowl.  Whip well.  (Do not use the blender, your pancake needs the whipping action to add air and give it lift.)

Once the butter is melted and the pan is hot, pour the batter into the center of the butter pool and place it back into the oven.

You’ll have to watch it, as it will start to cook and rise pretty quickly, when the top is fluffy and golden brown you will know it’s time to take it out!  (About 10 – 12 minutes in my gas oven.)

When you pull your pancake out of the oven it should look like this lovely bunch of goodness above.  Light, fluffy, and perfectly brown.

It deflates rather fast, so serve right away.

I suggest using some 100% fruit jam to spread on top, and of course, some yummy whipping cream!

What do you do to make breakfasts special for your kids?