Ways to Play and Learn with Water Indoors

Water play has the power to keep kids entertained for long periods of time. It’s just good clean fun! Whether they are washing toys in the kitchen sink, splashing in the tub, or even learning about the properties of water with simple experiments, these water activities are sure to delight kids of all ages! 

Ways to Play and Learn with Water Indoors:

1. Paint with Water

This is such a classic activity that keeps little ones happily entertained for long periods of time!

2. Water Beads and Glow Sticks

For older kids, combine water beads and glow sticks for some additional science activities. On a hot day, I like to store the water beads in the refrigerator to chill for a few hours ahead of time.

3. Craft up some Ice Boats.

This handy tutorial from Melissa & Doug shows how to make boats using ice, a toothpick, and a paper sail.

4. Make Your Own Water Xylophone.

Great for inspiring plenty of musical playtime fun and exploration!

5. Try one of these 5 Simple Experiments with Water.

Learn about properties of water with these easy hands-on experiments.

6. Play “Sink or Float” with various toys and household objects.

Gather up various toys and household objects, and a large bowl with water. Invite the kids to guess which objects will sink and which will float, then try it to see if they are right!

7. Here are 6 Simple Discovery Bottles to make.

These discovery bottles are fascinating for little ones to watch as objects move and float inside.

8. Try this Simple Science Ice Experiment!

Use the free printable to conduct a simple science experiment using ice.

9. Montessori-inspired Water Transfer Trays

Plenty of activities for developing fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination!

10. Melting Ice Science Experiment with Salt and Liquid Watercolors

If you want to see what happens when art and science collide with awesomeness, try this colorful experiment! Have fun!!