Simple Craft for Kids — Cardboard Tube Construction Set

It’s that time of year when many of us have leftover wrapping paper tubes just waiting to be repurposed in some fun crafty way! Here’s an inspiring idea to reuse empty cardboard tubes for a simple craft for kids that’s sure to keep them entertained for a good long while. Yay for simple and fun activities!!

First, gather any empty cardboard tubes you already have on-hand. Empty paper towel tube and wrapping paper tubes work best for this. Next, invite the kids over to paint or decorate the cardboard tubes however they would like! My kids absolutely love to paint, so this was a huge hit with them!

Allow the paint to dry completely, then cut the tubes into various lengths, and cut slits into each end of the tube. Use colored card stock paper for walls, and invite the kids to build their own magical play spaces for their stuffed animal friends!!

I love that this project introduces kids to the concepts of form and balance, all while reusing empty cardboard tubes! Simple, frugal, and great for inspiring plenty of creative play fun!!

Have fun!!