Handmade Necklace Gift Kids Can Make

We love taking the time to make homemade gifts for the special people in our lives.  My kids especially enjoy crafting presents for their teachers and grandparents which is why they had so much fun making these DIY shrink film necklaces!

Shrinky Dink Necklace Supplies:

 We used the Graphix Shrink Film paper (affiliate link) to make the necklace charms but any type of shrink film paper you can find in your craft store.  It shrinks down to about half of the original size so make sure to punch a whole into the shape before you bake them.

I used my craft punches to cut a bunch of different shapes out for the kids to design.

The kids used permanent markers to draw on the shrink film paper cut outs.  They decided to make them for their teachers so wrote their teachers names on one of the sides.

Once they were done drawing we stuck them between two sheets of parchment paper and put them in the oven to bake.  You may have to play around with the temperature and timing.  We set the oven to 250 degrees and baked them for about 3-4 minutes.  

The pieces curl up and then start to flatten back out as they bake.  Ours never get completely flat again so while they are still warm I smooth them a little bit with my fingers.

When they were cool we strung them on ribbon and they were all ready to give to the teachers.  The kids now want to make some more for their grandparents!