The Elements of a Perfect Book Nook

One of the best ways I encourage reading at my house is to make a cozy place where my kids can curl up with no screen in sight.  A kid sized spot, where books are always handy and the lighting is always good.  Book nooks are easy to create with things you have on hand.  Soon your child will be running to his little spot with books in hand, ready to go on a literary adventure. 


Looking outside, seeing rain, thunder and cold, wet days just makes me want to curl up with a good book and a cup of tea.  Have you ever felt that way?   I have a few places I curl up in my house when I need to read; the corner of the couch, with my favorite blanket (that is perfectly weighted) wrapped around my legs, or my rocking chair in my bedroom that I will clear of clothes just for my reading pleasure.  I love these spots.  They feel safe and like ‘home’ to me.  I aspire to have one of these spaces for my children, too.  

Whenever I am creating a new book reading space I like to include a few things.

#1: They have to be cozy.  Blankets, rugs, big comfy chairs, pillows, and cushions are essential.  Any amount that you or your children are comfortable with will work.  But being able to be comfortable and snug is essential. 

#2: A place that books can be held neatly.  Many of the book nooks I have had are where I chose to store my library books.  I want these books to be accessible, but easily taken care of too.  A little shelf, a large basket, or even a plastic crate can be great choices for easy access and easy clean up. 


#3: Good lighting.  Next to a window, sitting under a standing lamp, or even a little battery operated book light tucked into a little basket in a book shelf will invite kids in to read. 

#4: A space to put your cozy drink.  It is always a plus if you have somewhere to put down a cup of tea or a water bottle.  A little table or shelf will work perfect and it can also hold more books! 


Optional #5:  A snuggly friend.  If you really want to warm up a reading space, make it inviting to the furry friends in the house too.  A warm kitty on my lap, a cup of herbal tea nearby, and a sunny afternoon and I could hang out in our book nook all day long!  If you don’t have a pet to snuggle with, a stuffed animal (or basket of critters) is an adequate substitute and bonus!  He doesn’t shed on the furniture!