Photo Collage Thank You Notes

There are so many reasons to say “Thank You” aren’t there? Thank you for: the gift, the trip, being my teacher, being my friend…and oh so many more reasons…

Of course, one of the most common reasons to send a thank you note is as a thank you for a gift.

After birthday parties and Christmas I always sit down with my children and write thank you notes with them. They aren’t quite old enough to write themselves, just yet, but I remind them what was given to them and by whom and allow them to dictate the note. Occasionally I’ll give them a suggestion or two…

But first, before you are ready to write, you need something to write on…

Why not make your own thank you cards?! After my daughter’s first birthday we had loads of pictures, as I’m sure you can imagine. We wanted to share them, which we did through email, but we also wanted to share some actual photos as well. So, we made a collage using Snapfish and sent it out along with the thank you cards…

That way everyone had a little reminder of her first birthday without being overwhelmed with photos (and it was less expensive than loads of photos too!)…

Now, I find myself making collages on PicMonkey all the time. It is so user friendly, and free! Plus, it has loads and loads of fun editing options, and special card layouts as well. I used PicMonkey to make this “Thank you” photo collage from my son’s past birthday

And a little “Thank you” to the teacher collage from our preschool end of the year picnic…

Making your own photo thank you note collages is fun and easy and it becomes a memento as well as a note, one that you can personalize with photos of your guests even!

Of course, you can always use your own photos to make simple, more generic, thank you notes as well…

And, for an even more unique spin on the thank you card…upload your fancy new photo collage to Snapfish and turn it into a magnet that’s ready to be popped up onto the refrigerator!

I’m also a huge fan of technology free handmade thank you notes as well!

Give it a try, say thank you…even for something small, I’m sure you will brighten someones day with a cheery photo collage note!