5 DIY Gift Ideas for Gardeners
We have been having a fickle Spring this year here on the East Coast. One with freezing temperatures one day and hot and sticky the next! But, I’m not complaining and neither is my garden! My plants are growing more and more everyday and they have been calling me outside to get into the garden!
Do you love to garden too? Do you have a favorite gardener who needs a gift?
Today, I’m sharing a few little gift ideas that are perfect for gardeners young and old to give or receive!
There are five gift ideas that are perfect all together, but each also stands alone as a beautiful gift as well!
Supplies needed: outdoor acrylic paint, acrylic paint markers (for writing), terracotta pots, plain vase, small wooden crate, staple gun, leather strapping, plants, wooden birdhouses, paint brushes.
We started by painting our pots…
Once dry, we planted our plants and then personalized them with acrylic paint markers for our recipient. On the smaller solid colored pots we did a bit of a different take on herb markers. Instead of making pots to mark herbs, we made them as perennial markers!
These pots keep some bright and cheerful color in your garden year round while also helping to remind you which plants will come back next year, an especially helpful reminder to little hands who are helping with weeding. This way they won’t accidentally pull something out of the ground that should stay!
Another helpful and useful gift for the gardener, a garden tool crate, useful for carrying gardening tools, gloves, pots, plants, and seed packets around the yard. We purchased a small wooden crate from our craft supply store, painted it (a bright color so it can easily be spotted from across the yard), and then added leather handles using a staple gun (*Note: staple gun should be only used by adult.) Add paint to small wooden birdhouses for garden decor. Or, paint and decorate a simple vase to give your gardener a unique place for flowers from their garden. When you’ve finished all of your DIY garden gifts you can add in a new pair of gloves and some new garden tools to top it all off.
Need a couple more gift ideas? Try making your own seed packets at the end of the summer. Or use the fruits of your own garden to make some beautiful art!
Enjoy your garden!