Work in Progress — Potted Herb Garden

Do you have old or worn things around in your home or garage collecting dust? These plain and dirty terra cotta pots were in need of TLC after sitting in the garage for far too long. When Michaels® asked me to participate in the RE-love blogger challenge to repurpose or remake an old item into something new again, it inspired me to re-paint them!

Here is the work in progress so far — I love how just a quick wash and a fresh coat of paint can make these pots look like new! After a quick shopping trip to Michaels to pick up some outdoor patio paint, chalkboard paint, and a few paintbrushes, I  was ready to begin.

I’m planning to paint each of these in different bright and cheerful colors, fill each one with a different herb, and use a bit of chalkboard paint on them so I can label them.  With any luck, I’ll be able to use this potted herb garden indoors and out! Not bad for something that would otherwise just be taking up space in the garage! I’ll be posting photos of the finished herb garden very soon!

A BIG thank you to Michaels® for providing me with plenty of art and craft supplies, and for inviting me to participate in the RE-love blogger challenge! All opinions are my own.