9 Upcycled Gift Ideas for Her

Earth Day is right around the corner.

I love that this holiday gets folks thinking about the 3 R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, but you don’t have to wait for Earth Day to think about ways you can turn trash to treasure!

Check out these incredible gift ideas made from items we all have around the house. Let these projects inspire you to make something out of nothing and give a gift that will be truly cherished, more than anything you could buy brand new in a store.

Lovely Glass Lanterns – Mason jars, spaghetti sauce, jelly and jam jars. Save them up and create some beautiful candle holders or night lights for the patio.

Paper Mobile – Magazines and catalogs never looked so good, the possibilities are endless. You could create just about any shape imaginable, see the post for her bird mobile version.

Upcycled Jeans CarryAll – How cute is this, be sure to check out the cute fabric buckets in this link too!

Favorite Tee Pillow – What a great way to hold on to that favorite old tee. Cute for kids, but would also make a great gift for teens or graduation.

Plain white pillowcase made into something special – Why have boring white pillowcases when you could be resting your head on little works of art.

Fabric Windsock – Perfect for Mother’s Day, a spring birthday for a mom, grandparent, or child. It’s sure to add a little color to your backyard or nursery.

and a few more ideas from my resident upcycling experts (not pictured):

Lampshade to Storage Bin – I NEVER ever would have thought to do this. I think this would be great for yarn storage.

Upcycled Owl Hat – Because everyone loves owls.

Repurpose baby onesies into something YOU can wear – I’ve seen baby clothes turned in to all sorts of things, but never a stylish top for Mom!

Aren’t these projects wonderful? Now show me what you’ve got, leave a link to something you’ve upcycled or describe it for me in the comments. If we get enough participation, I’ll highlight a few of them in an upcoming post!