My oldest loves to paint, bake and is really into pretend play. So, I found a way to combine all three of his current interests into one by making salt dough cookies with him that he can paint and play with!
Salt Dough Cookies Supplies
Both my boys had a blast making the pretend cookies! They got to use mommy’s roller to roll out the dough and enjoyed getting to use the cookie cutters to cut out the cookies.
It was a long two-hour wait for them to cook, but worth it once Gabe could go to town painting them!
We bought cheap acrylic paint pots so Gabe could easily pick and choose his own colors. You could also do puff paint so it looks like icing, but this is Gabe’s preferred method of painting, so I went with this.
Can you tell somebody fell UP the slide?
I like to let my kids paint however they want to develop their own creativity and style, and this is the perfect project to do that. Not too messy, lots of color, and no wrong way to do it! Now the kids use these in their play kitchen and pretend to cook them in their oven, scrape them off the cookie sheet, and “eat” them. Gabe is so proud of his handiwork and it was another great bonding time for us to make these together.