Welcome to Inner Child Food!

We are so excited to bring you, Inner Child Food, as a sister site of Inner Child Fun! I am Sara, the editor of this site, and have big plans to bring you recipes, ideas, products and play all centered around making healthy food fun for us and our kids. Join us as we explore with and for our children, enjoying the little moments along the way, to raise health-conscious, thriving adults!

I am the owner of My Merry Messy Life where I write about my messy household, offering green living tips and tricks, free crochet patterns and tutorials, thoughts on motherhood and parenting, crafting with my children, and cooking with and for my children. One of my passions is cooking and baking with my kids – it offers such a fun learning experience for us both, and is great bonding time. I am creative, disorganized, and scatterbrained and married to an engineering professor – we are like two puzzle pieces who fit perfectly together. We have two little boys and are due with number three (also a boy!) at the end of February 2013, so life is really about to take another turn for crazy!

Thankfully, I’m not doing this site alone! I have a fabulous team of writers and bloggers who you will be meeting over the next few weeks.

Valerie from Inner Child Fun – Encouraging families to live better lives through play by offering inexpensive craft ideas and activities. 

Tiffany from Peanut BlossomTiffany loves to share her belief that strong families start with strong and happy mothers.

Tracy from Busy Vegetarian MomA Busy Mom’s Diary – Spilling My Secrets on Food, Family and Fun.

Jodie from JodieFitz.com – Juggling Food, Family and Chaos, One Recipe At a Time.

Valerie from Collecting the Moments A homeschooling, canning, cooking mom who is passionate about healthy eating and whole foods.

Kiana from Raspberry Bean – A wife and mother of three who loves crafting, cooking, baking, gardening and making her own abstract art.