Festive Frozen Yogurt Sandwiches

These frozen Greek yogurt sandwiches were a totally spontaneous treat we whipped up this afternoon, and they were a big hit around here! I thought maybe you would like to make some of your own too. After all, why choose between cookies and frozen Greek yogurt, if you can have them both in a delicious dessert treat??

To make your own, you will need some awesome Frozen Greek Yogurt (We LOVE Stonyfield!! It’s totally awesome.), and some homemade cookies. We baked up some peanut butter cookies. And by “we”, I mean “I”. And by “homemade”, I mean “store bought dough”. Because we all know that I don’t bake. Ahem.

Anyhoooooo…. Once you’ve gathered your ingredients, it’s time to assemble your sandwiches!! My girls LOVED putting together their own sandwiches, (and eating them of course).

A few tips:
