Guest Post by Mark – Hand Painted Cards

Mark here (Val’s husband). The girls wanted to surprise Val with some handmade cards for Mother’s Day, and they were so pleased with how these turned out, that they couldn’t resist giving them to her a bit early. Val loved them so much, that she later sat down to paint more cards together with the girls.

Here’s how you can make your own hand painted cards for Mother’s Day, or any other special occasion:

1. Fold a sheet of watercolor paper in half, and invite your child over to scribble on it with pencil.

2. Trace over your child’s designs with a waterproof permanent marker. You can find these at many art supply stores, or, in my case, Val has them everywhere.  Look under the couch.

3. Invite your child to paint all over their designs with watercolor paint.

It’s okay to let the kids be goofballs while doing this, as long as they’re having fun.

4. Encourage your child to cover the entire sheet with the watercolor paint. Better yet, paint alongside with them.


5. Allow the cards to dry completely, then use black masking tape to frame your child’s designs.

6. Remind your child to give the hand painted card to Mom on Mother’s Day!

7. Remind yourself that Mother’s Day comes before Father’s Day.  You need this for some bonus points.

8. Win Husband of the Year Award, repeatedly.