Sunday Snapshot — Priorities

Last week, there were piles of dirty dishes in the sink, mountains of laundry, and our kitchen floors were a bit… shall we say… crunchy??

I worked hard to ignore all of that, so I could take Clara to the park to do this:

You might say we were procrastinating, but I prefer to think of it as “making memories”.

Wishing you and your family a lovely weekend!!



  1. Dear Valerie,

    Do you have any idea HOW MUCH LAUNDRY I DID LAST WEEK?



  2. I adore you! This is exactly what all mamas need to hear! Keeping a clean house is not making a home πŸ™‚ Glad you were able to make some memories!

  3. Sigh……… So much laundry to do. My boys are complaining about not having clothes to wear. Of course that might be more because they’re inclined to put their clean clothes in the dirty clothes hamper to avoid putting htem away.

  4. Sounds like your priorities are perfectly in order!

  5. Very good idea. I don’t think it’s procrastinating, I think it is prioritizing πŸ˜‰

    Thanks for this post!

  6. Those are my kinds of priorities! Housekeeping can wait, and afternoon at the park won’t.

  7. Hi Valerie,

    You really astonish me, but I wonder something. Do you ever get angry with the kids? Do you ever shout at them? You might consider these as personal questions, if so please ignore them. I just find myself unbalanced. I sometimes do great activities with the kids but sometimes I am really bad with them. I do not beat them but shout at them etc… How do you manage to be always positive with the kids?

    • Oh, thank you for commenting — yes, my kiddos definitely push my patience on occasion! My youngest, in particular, can be very strong-willed — a characteristic that is good to have, but soooooo difficult to parent. My blog is just a small snapshot of our days together, and usually I post about the kinds of moments I’m particularly grateful for and little things that make me happy. When I do have trouble with them, they have a “time out” period, I take a few minutes to breathe, and later explain why their behavior is unacceptable, etc. Raising kids is HARD work!! I don’t “yell” at them because that isn’t my way of handling things. But please please give yourself permission to get the rest you need, and make time for yourself.

      When you start to feel unbalanced, be sure to reach out to friends and family so you can get support — that is crucial!!

  8. Great comment Valerie!! An earlier bedtime is currency in our house at the moment Valerie! Miss Just-turned-6 decided she won’t keep complaining about getting into her pjs since she went to bed 15 minutes earlier last night πŸ™‚
    I wanted to jump in and say – kite flying happened here this weekend too, except it was my husband taking the girls to the park and leaving me at home with a little p&q (peace and quiet). Win win πŸ™‚

  9. Antoinette says

    I can’t count the number of times I have returned from a fun outing and thought, man, what kind of slob lives here? oh, it’s my mess. Dang it… But priorities are something you have to have straight, and kids come before housework, and sometimes play makes work feel worthwhile if you give yourself a sneak peak of what you work so hard for. Thanks for sharing with us all that your family has crunchy floors too! (I actually grinned to myself so big when I read that, that I could see the tops of my cheeks!)


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