DIY Scratch Art Pages

Do you have a kid who loves scratch art?? Did you know you can make your own scratch art pages?? It’s true! Aaaaand it’s a lot cheaper (and more fun!) to make your own!

To make your own scratch art pages, you will need: a kid who LOVES to color, a sheet of card stock paper, oil pastels, and tempera paint. This is a messy project, but totally worth the mess. Invite your child to cover an entire sheet of card stock with the oil pastels. Use lots of colors!!

Next, it’s time for painting! Cover the entire sheet with slightly watered-down tempera paint. It’s more fun if you use a BIG brush!

Allow to dry completely, cut up into smaller pieces (one sheet of card stock can be cut up into 9 smaller sheets for scratch art), then gather any other kids to join you after school for some scratch art fun! Toothpicks work well for gently scratching off the tempera paint to reveal all the brightly colored pastels underneath.

Clara was so proud that she could make these to share with her big sister! They would make fun stocking stuffers, or little party favors for friends too.

Have fun!!