DIY Holiday — Play Salad

Emily played a big role in crafting up this fun play salad set! She couldn’t wait to show it to Clara, so now the two of them have been making up salads all afternoon. This was so simple (and very frugal) to make!!

Emily cut out arbitrary lettuce shapes of green craft foam for lettuce, and added the vein details on the leaves with a green marker. I helped make the tomatoes from red craft foam (and red markers for details), and croutons with a cut up dollar store sponge.

Emily loved crinkling up the “lettuce” for a more realistic look!

Next, she thought it would be fun to add some “onion rings”, so I cut strips of white card stock for her to paint purple on one side and tape into a circle. She added a few bits of yellow craft foam for “shredded cheese”, and voilà… a delicious salad!!

Since we are so very close to the Thanksgiving holiday, we even added a turkey drumstick made with a brown paper lunch bag that is stuffed with newspaper!

Wishing you and your lovely family a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday filled with gratitude!

Bon appétit!!