Twitter Party!

“With parenting, the days are long, but the years are very short.”

For many of us with young children, saving for college can seem like something that is very far away. We are so busy trying to keep up with everything from toilet training, back-to-school schedules, and even what to put on the table for dinner. Who has the time to figure out how to save for college with all the day-to-day obstacles parents need to navigate?

The truth is saving for college is much easier if you start early, which is why I’m so excited to be hosting a fun Twitter party sponsored by State Farm Insurance with tips to help you get started!

Who: You and Your Lovely Friends (US residents only, please.)

What: Chatting w/tips to prepare you for long term education costs from the start, just in time for back-to-school! Share your best tips, and you may win some fun prizes too!!

When: Wednesday, September 7th at 9pm EST

Where: On Twitter!! Use hashtag #statefarmBTS and be sure to follow me @FamFunBlog and our sponsor @StateFarm

Why: It’s educational! We’ve giving away prizes! It’s FUN!! Did I mention the prizes???

There’s no need to RSVP, just hop right in, and I can’t wait to chat with you!

UPDATE:  Pre-Tweet Giveaway

Send out the following tweet anytime before September 7th at 9pm EST, and you’ll automatically be entered for a chance to win a $10 Amazon Gift Card! (US residents only, please.)

Twitter Party!! Join @FamFunBlog 9/7 @ 9pm EST Tips to save for college & you could #win prizes! –> #stateFarmBTS


Official Giveaway Rules