SURPRISE! Let’s Go on a Day Trip!

Last night, while the girls were sleeping in their beds, Mark and I stayed up late packing up the car for a total SURPRISE day trip to nearby Point Pleasant Beach, NJ. (Mark had taken the day off from work, and the weather forecast looked beautiful!!)

It. Was. Awesome!!! We enjoyed the sandy beach, waves, boardwalk, and lots of sunshine!

I love surprising the kiddos with things like this. One of the highlights of this trip, was Clara’s first-ever time to see the ocean — and the reaction! Oh my goodness!!! One look at the water and waves, and she turned around with a HUGE grin on her face!

Wow, there’s sand too?!? This place ROCKS!

Emily and I spent lots of time in the water… so much fun!

I just love surprise day trips like this, don’t you??

After the beach, we strolled over to Jenkinson’s Boardwalk — very family-friendly. We visited on a wristband day (a wristband buys you unlimited rides from noon until 6pm). I first learned of wristband days from Sheila at Pieces of a Mom. (Thanks, Sheila!) Added bonus — When you buy wristbands, you also get coupons for games, chicken nuggets, and ice cream!

The lines were short, and many of the rides were perfect for the girl’s ages. We had a blast!!

Lots of great classic Summertime FUN!