Summer Fun — Let’s Build a Road!

As a kid, I remember using my dad’s electrical tape to make elaborate playscapes for my younger brother in my parents’ basement. There was a small-scale basketball court, a soccer field, and plenty of race tracks that were made over & over again — good times!! This afternoon, Clara and I built our own roads along the sidewalk using black masking tape, match box cars, and some blocks. I love activities that use things we already have on-hand!!

The masking tape made for quick and easy straight roads!

We made some interesting bridges to go over and under with the blocks, and built a school and shopping center with them too.

Our little cars were very busy running lots of errands and racing around town! Lots of great imaginative play!!

Once we were done, Clara helped put away the blocks & cars, and the masking tape was super-easy to peel off for very quick clean-up.

Now if  you’ll excuse me, I’m off to build a parking garage……. Housework can wait for another day, yes??