DIY Pretend Play Cooktop from Recyclables

I made a little pretend cooktop from recyclables, and it’s been a big hit around here! It was super quick & easy to put together, and isn’t it adorable??? Added bonus — practically free!

I love that it is small and lightweight enough that the girls can easily carry it from one room of the house to another. It’s made from two popsicle boxes that were taped together with packaging tape to form one long box. (A big thank you to Stonyfield for providing us with the popsicles — they didn’t last long in this house!)

I wrapped the whole thing in some leftover wrapping paper, and some scraps of bulletin board trim from the thrift store. The burners are lids from 32 oz yogurt containers, and I drew on them with a permanent black marker. The knobs are milk caps attached with post screws so they can turn.

Time to PLAY!!!! Clara cooked up lots of eggs and sausage for her stuffed animal friends!!

There was lots of stirring going on!!

I think she enjoyed making Minnie Mouse’s eggs extra spicy!

Have fun “cooking”!!