Top 10 Posts of 2010 — #6

We’re continuing with our countdown of the top 10 posts of 2010, and while this next post features a super-fun sewing project, you could easily make something similar from cardboard for a no-sew version. Coming in at number 6…. DIY Travel Play Kitchen Set!! It’s now several months later, and the kitchen set is holding up quite well to many hours of pretend play, trips to visit friends and grandparents, and even some outdoor fun. I love that it doesn’t take up a lot of space when it’s not in use!

This travel play kitchen set was super-frugal to make, and is perfect for small living spaces since the entire set folds up!

I’m thinking we’ll take it with us for trips to the garden plot, visits with grandparents, or just playing outside in the backyard like we did this afternoon.
I used an ordinary folding TV tray table for the base, and sewed the stove top cover using wool felt. Here you can see the curtains under the stove where Emily stores a basket of play food, pots and pans.
As soon as I put it outside, the girls wasted no time and got busy cookin’!!
Emily liked firing up the burners….
….and drying her hands on the kitchen towel.
Clara thought the “drawer” pockets were so much fun!
They played outside until it was time to get dinner ready!
What I loved about bringing the kitchen set outside was how it led to all sorts of neat “play” food experiences, like leaves for “salad” and grass for “spinach angel hair”.

Bon Appétit!!