Candy Cane Painting

What’s even more fun than painting?? Painting in your pajamas!!!

This candy cane painting is quite toddler friendly, and the kiddos get great results! I outlined a candy cane shape with a Sharpie on some thick card stock paper, and added some masking tape stripes. Once I invited Clara over to paint, the smiles were non-stop all morning!

While the paint was drying, she got to work on the background with lots of dark green scribbles on light green paper… she was hard at work!

Once the paint was completely dry, we peeled off the masking tape to reveal her perfectly striped candy cane! Cut out and glue to your background… Proudly display in your home!

We’re sending this one to Mark to help give his office some holiday cheer!

Have fun!!

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Sunday Best @ No Time for Flashcards