Spontaneous Montessori

While I was doing some work in the sewing room, Clara started playing with a pile of buttons.

I added two empty yogurt containers and a pair of tweezers, and she had some impromptu Montessori-inspired fun!!

This was a super-simple activity of just transferring the buttons one at a time, from one container to the other using the tweezers. It kept her happily occupied for more than 20 minutes — a long while in toddler time!!

Once all the buttons were transferred, she would pour them into the other container and start all over again!

My favorite part was hearing her say “Ta Da!!!” — she was quite proud of herself! For a more simpler version, have your child try transferring cotton balls from one bowl to another using a pair of tongs. It’s a great workout for those developing (and very important) pincher-grasp muscles!

Have fun!!