Spider Web Place Cards

Have I mentioned how much I adore Halloween? Seriously, it is my most favorite holiday. I look forward to it more than the kids! While it’s not quite that time of year just yet, I am already eager to start decorating the house as if Halloween were right around the corner. That’s where this super-easy, fun, and quick project comes in…. spider web place cards!

I cut up pieces of cardstock, and cut small slits around the perimeter of each card. Emily drew a spider in the corner, and wrote each family member’s name on the front of the card.

Next, we taped the end of some black thread to the back of the card, and started wrapping the card with black thread to form the web! The slits keep the thread in place and make for some neat designs. Wrap the cards any way you like — Emily made each web unique and interesting!

For Halloween parties, have the kids make up their own place cards, or use them to make the dinner table a little more festive. They are fun (and frugal) to make!

Some of these spiders were a bit tidier with their web-weaving skills than others. I think it had something to do with some missing legs!

Have fun!!