Organic (Frugal) Goodness

We just returned from a super-fun (and frugal) trip to an organic apple festival at the Rodale Institute — an event that is quickly becoming my favorite birthday tradition!!

Some of the apples required a bit of team-effort……

…but it was well-worth it……..

….to end up with a half-bushel of organic apples like this one!

The event featured free admission, free parking, pick your own organic apples at $1.50/lb, $15 for a half-bushel, or $25 for a full-bushel. We’ll be baking lots of pies, and making lots of apple sauce! Yummm!!

On the way home, we stopped at Premise Maid Ice Cream — fantastic!!

For more organic goodness, you can check out the guest post I wrote for Stonyfield’s new blog, The Buzz. It features 5 No Mess After School Crafts for Kids, all of which are new projects!

Wishing you and your family a fun-filled weekend!!