Mother’s Day Gifts Kids Can Make — To Do List

These To Do Lists are such a useful gift for Mom — plus they are reusable! The girls had so much fun making these, and you only need a few materials to make one of your own.

I took an ordinary sheet of construction paper, folded it in half, and drew a 1 inch margin around the border. Then I let the girls decorate them with some markers!! 

I tried to encourage the girls to doodle around the edge of the paper to make a frame for the To Do list. Clara drew ALL OVER her paper, and that’s just fine! She loves markers, and takes her coloring very seriously!!
Next, I cut out the center, inserted a sheet of lined paper, and wrote “To Do” at the top. I drew some check-off boxes down the side, and sealed the whole thing up with some clear contact paper.
Now, with a little help from a dry-erase marker, our fancy To Do list is reusable!

Add a magnet to the back, and hang it up on the fridge with pride!